
Monday 28 May 2018

Science Week 4: Walking Water

How our experiment works

On Week 4 Room 8 worked on a science experiment called Walking Water to experience new things.

Firstly, Ms Bracey set up the experiment she placed seven cups onto a table then she filled up every first cup with water, she then put  kulakula ( red ) food colouring in the first cup of water then engeenge ( yellow ) food colouring into the next cup of water and she filled the last cup of water with pulu ( blue ) food colouring. After that she put three strips of paper towels into each cup.

Secondly, Ms Bracey asked us to predict what we thought would happen, I thought that the primary colours would transfer onto the other strips of paper towels and leave a trail.

Thirdly, we had to go and observe at what was happening to get some information about the experiment and go away then write what you observed.

Lastly, when I walked in on Friday I saw that the primary colours interacted with each other and made secondary colours when the kulakula ( red ) and engeenge ( yellow ) colours merged together it made orange then when the pulu ( blue ) and engeenge ( yellow ) colours mixed together it made lanumata ( green ).

WALT:To use a brainstorm and put them in bold.

Challenge:Put my sentences in the right orders.

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